The commute into the office usually takes an hour. However, due to the increase in traffic and the inevitability of delays, you’ve automatically calculated in an extra hour of drivetime. This is time you could have spent at home, sleeping, or catching up with family. Thankfully, there is a system in place now that will allow you to check online to see traffic conditions and drive times. Travel Time Information Systems have been put in place to help commuters pre-plan their commutes and determine the which possible route to take to the office. In some cases, this may give you time to sleep in a bit.
The Travel Time Information System (TTIS) determines the approximate amount of time motorists take to drive from one point to another. Typically used in work zones or across expansive roadway systems, a TTIS uses sensors that have been strategically placed along the route to calculate the drive time, which it then relays to motorists using a changeable message sign. When incorporated permanently into a traffic planning system, TTIS alert boards are permanent installations. However, when using these systems in work zones, the alert boards are going to be portable, temporary installations. Displays keep motorists up to date on queue times, travel times, reduced-speed warnings, and timely emergency alert information such as Amber alerts and inclement weather.
There have been many studies done to test the effectiveness of TTIS deployment. The overwhelmingly positive results show they can not only reduce queue times, but they can also reduce lost time spent in traffic. In 2012, a report by the FHWA stated that 482 million hours were lost in traffic jams due to road work areas. The translated dollar amount for the lost time equated to over $6.5 billion. TTIS installations significantly reduce these numbers.
How Travel Time Information Systems Help?
Traffic is one of the few things on which most people can rely. In some cases, it can feel like it is never going to end. There’s been a major climb in the number of vehicles on the road. Due to the increase, congestion and delays are inevitable. Providing pertinent, up to the minute traffic information to commuters has become a vital tool for pre-planning a trip or for navigating the roadways when delays are forecast in-route. The information being relayed by the travel time information systems is not only helpful but is also easily understood by motorists.
Travel Time Information Systems can reduce the impact that traffic has on motorists. The amount of road rage tends to go down when motorists are informed of what is happening on the roadway. It turns a normal traffic condition into something relatable while possibly even bringing motorists all onto the same page as far as the delays are concerned. The ability to reduce stress in motorists is essential.
Investing in Travel Time Information Systems as part of a road work zone will significantly improve the safety around the work zone and provide motorists with the vital information they need to determine their route. Giving this extra level of data provides a far more detailed and navigable pre-trip planning tool for commuters to use before leaving for the day. With these implementations, the lost time caught in traffic will reduce, therefore reducing the lost dollar amount spent in traffic every day.
Make Use of a Travel Time Information System Today
Renting or purchasing a reliable Travel Time Information System is easy and convenient with our team at Work Safe Traffic Control Industries. We have a very knowledgeable team and can get you set up with the best, most cost effective TTIS for your needs. Reach out to us and our team today, and we will quickly get you started on your project.