Road signs play an important role in the safety and movement of traffic. Road signs are standardized in the United States so that a driver knows from color, shape, and wording what kind of message an upcoming sign is going to send.
There are signs that tell motorists when to go, when to stop, when to stay in a lane, and what hazards they should be looking out for. Indicators may be simple in shape and contain few words but they are powerful tools for keeping order on everything from suburban streets to major highways.
Signs are such informational beacons that teen drivers everywhere learn to memorize placards with and without words as a condition of passing their exams and being awarded a driver’s license.
What Do Road Closed Signs Indicate to Drivers?
One important sign is the Road Closed Sign. Road Closed Signs let drivers know that even though a road exists, it is closed to traffic. If the closure is caused by something that isn’t permanent like roadwork or road conditions, it falls into the category of temporary warning signs. Other kinds of temporary warning signs caution drivers about upcoming lane shifts, traffic pattern changes, construction crews at work, shoulders closed, length of a roadwork project, and flooded roads.
A Road Closed sign could alternately be manufactured to say Street Closed. Sometimes street closure signs also give an indication of how soon the closure happens in feet or miles.
There is a separate category of Road Closed signs for situations that are more permanent. This sign is used if a street is closed indefinitely for the construction of another roadway or it is closed for traffic calming purposes.
How Many Different Road Closed Signs Are There?
Temporary traffic warning signs alerting that a roadway is closed will be orange. That is part of the standardized sign color scheme adopted in the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control, MUTCD. The manual assigns color profiles to indicators in thirteen categories. Regular warning indicators have yellow backgrounds and signs with red can only be used in conjunction with stop, yield, or prohibited movements.
If a road closure is long-term and not temporary, a sign with a white background and black letters is used.
The MUTCD prints the standards for dozens upon dozens of indicators. Most states have adopted these guidelines although some add their own customized indicators to the list. Additionally, some big cities adopt even more of their own signs.
What are the Three Categories of Road Signs?
Road indicators are divided into three broad categories.
- Regulatory– These are the placards that indicate traffic laws and regulations like stop, yield, one-way, and the speed limit. Regulatory indicators apply to motorists, pedestrians, and bicyclists.
- Warning– These alert drivers to hazards that might not be easy to see or aren’t typically expected. Speed bump warnings, animal crossings, and playground signs are all examples of warnings. A Road Closed Sign is a warning, whether the closure is temporary or permanent.
- Guide– These are the placards that let drivers know where they are, where they are going, and what is near them. Exit and entry placards to freeways and placards that log mileage to different destinations are all examples of guide signs.
Where Can I Buy Road Closed Signs?
Worksafe Traffic Control Industries offers a complete fleet of signage solutions including placards that say Road Closed. Our signs and their specifications are detailed here on our website. Our founders began manufacturing their first indicators in a small workspace back in 1993. The business has grown since then, and so has the need for safety signage along the roads. We still manufacture all of our own indicators.
Where Can I Rent Road Closed Signs?
If you need short-term indicators consider Worksafe Traffic Control Industries and our complete line of rental signs. We also feature a full line of portable rental traffic control equipment like trailer-mounted traffic signals and road barriers that can be filled with water for stability. We believe that temporary pavement markings, traffic control devices, and effective signs work together to protect crews and drivers as they navigate construction zones both day and night.
All of our signs at Worksafe Traffic Control Industries are fully compliant. Whether you need temporary indicators for a construction project or long-term indicators for a municipality, we can provide you with the solutions that you need.
Worksafe Traffic Control Industries is active in industry groups including ATSSA, American Traffic Safety Services Association, and AGC, Associated General Contractors. We also take an active role in highway safety groups and chambers of commerce throughout New England.
Talk to our office today or connect with us on Social Media for superior customer service and signage. We offer competitive rates that do not sacrifice quality or safety.