Author Archives: Michael

Tips to Help You Get the Most Out of Logo Design in Vermont

Designing a logo might seem like a simple enough task, but the reality is that there is a lot you need to consider during the process. Professional logo designers used very nuanced tactics that separate them from inexperienced freelancers who happen to know how to use Photoshop and InDesign. Here are a few tips to […]

Tips for Advertising on Highway Signs in Vermont

Highway signs have become an advertising staple throughout the United States. These types of signs are a great way to deliver a message in a very short amount of time. This is especially true for businesses located in small towns that would not otherwise be seen as destinations for drivers—you need to be able to […]

Consider Colors When Crafting Signs in Vermont

Have you ever looked at a sign and felt your mood or emotion shift? It can be a weird feeling to see something as simple as a sign, then feel your mood suddenly brighten or to look at a company’s logo and feel yourself starting to get perturbed by something so simple! Don’t worry—you’re not […]

Vehicle Wraps vs. Magnetic Signs in Vermont: Which is Right for You?

Mobile advertising is a great way to cover a lot of ground for a low cost, making it a perfect opportunity for small business owners when it comes to local advertising. There’s a drawback, however: because your vehicle becomes the advertising medium, you’ll need to outfit it with some sort of signage. There are two […]