Category Archives: Traffic Signs

What are the Rules for Posting ‘No Parking’ Signs?

There are many situations where it will be desirable to have drivers of motor vehicles not park or stand in specific areas, even if it only pertains to certain times of the day, or specific days of the week. The reasons for these restrictions can be extremely diverse, ranging from safety issues to problems with […]

What do Black-on-Orange Signs on a Highway Identify?

When the highway system was designed, the signage was very carefully and deliberately planned so that everyone knows exactly what is going on at all times. Different colors and types of placards were created, including black-on-orange highway signs, and they all have a different application and meaning. Understanding the regulations and uses for highway signage […]

10 Most Common Warning Signs on the Road

Warning signs, we see them every day as we drive, and if you drive enough you may barely even notice them. However, they require your undivided attention to keep you and your fellow travelers, pedestrians, and road workers safe. What are Road Warning Signs? It’s important to be able to immediately understand the information posted […]

Decoding Diamond Signs: Top 10 Road Symbols Unveiled

Road signs have been designed to be consistent. Red usually means stop or danger. Blue indicates user services or tourist information. Brown guides you to cultural or local attractions. Yellow asks for caution. Just as a color denotes one factor, shape designates another: stop signs are the only style that is octagonal. Horizontal placards usually […]

What Does a “Do Not Pass” Sign Mean?

You should always be familiar with your driving handbook for road rules and traffic laws specific to your state. In addition, experienced drivers will use caution when driving rather than risk their lives or the lives of others by being reckless or inattentive. Common sense, alertness, a level head, and courtesy should always prevail on […]