Author Archives: admin

What are Examples of Intelligent Transportation Systems?

Most transportation and infrastructure problems are due to a lack of accurate and timely information. Inadequate cooperation among individuals in the transport and infrastructure industry adds to the major transport problems. Intelligent transportation systems help curb these problems by improving the industry’s coordination and proper data transmission. Examples of intelligent transportation systems include: Electronic toll collection […]

Loading Zone Sign for Sale

Are you looking for a loading zone sign that you can customize to your business or organization’s needs? Look no further than our loading zone signs for sale at Worksafe Traffic Control Industries. Loading zone signs can be personalized to include your company name, logo, or other important information. Businesses use these signs on loading […]

8 Road Construction Work Zone Safety Tips

According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) statistics, about 20,000 people who work in the construction industry are injured every year in accidents involving road and highway projects. The most common cause of accidents in road construction projects include and are not limited to: Falls that are a result of poorly […]

What is Traffic Data & How is it Collected?

Traffic congestion is a daily occurrence be it in large and medium-sized cities all over the world. Traffic data is an effective way to analyze and predict traffic flow. Traffic data is measured utilizing detectors located along the road that track how travel speeds on road segments change over time, which in turn affects the […]

What is a Smart Work Zone? Smart Work Zones Explained

A smart work zone is a traffic control technology configured for a particular scenario. The technology is located within a work zone roadway to enhance construction workers’ safety, advocate for motorists’ efficiency, and provide computerized real-time information for a work precinct in a roadway. Smart zones minimize the reliance on human observers and create a […]