Category Archives: Work Zone Signs

The Future of Smart Work Zones

Digital work zone signs will continue to transform freeway technology in the future, and machine learning and artificial intelligence will likely both play supporting roles in helping drivers maneuver through work zones, accident sites, and road maintenance projects. Today, a smart work zone uses intelligent, real-time data to establish safe working areas for road construction. […]

What is a Smart Work Zone? Smart Work Zones Explained

A smart work zone is a traffic control technology configured for a particular scenario. The technology is located within a work zone roadway to enhance construction workers’ safety, advocate for motorists’ efficiency, and provide computerized real-time information for a work precinct in a roadway. Smart zones minimize the reliance on human observers and create a […]

What do Black-on-Orange Signs on a Highway Identify?

When the highway system was designed, the signage was very carefully and deliberately planned so that everyone knows exactly what is going on at all times. Different colors and types of placards were created, including black-on-orange highway signs, and they all have a different application and meaning. Understanding the regulations and uses for highway signage […]

Decoding Diamond Signs: Top 10 Road Symbols Unveiled

Road signs have been designed to be consistent. Red usually means stop or danger. Blue indicates user services or tourist information. Brown guides you to cultural or local attractions. Yellow asks for caution. Just as a color denotes one factor, shape designates another: stop signs are the only style that is octagonal. Horizontal placards usually […]

Flexible Channelizing Devices Help Drivers Navigate Work Zones

Drivers can become overwhelmed with the number of choices and decisions when navigating through the roadway environment. The likelihood of crashes increases for all drivers—especially inexperienced and older drivers— as that number of choices increases. There are several low-cost, easy-to-install safety improvements that can help ease the driving task by eliminating some choices at specific […]