Technology is rapidly transforming our daily modes of transportation. From self-driving cars to intelligent traffic management solutions, it seems the possibilities are endless. The latest developments in traffic management technology in Vermont are helping pave the way for these advancements.
Are you curious about what’s to come on the roadways? Following are a few of the smart pavement solutions that are shaping the transportation of the future.
Real-Time Info
Smart pavement can identify the positions of vehicles and their behaviors in real time. This makes several helpful advancements possible:
- Autonomous vehicle operation: Smart pavement can make the operation of autonomous vehicles simpler. The data provided by the smart pavement can be integrated into the information used by the vehicles to create safer and smoother transit.
- Traffic information: By gathering real-time data, smart pavement sensors can provide dynamic traffic information. Drivers can be alerted about congested areas and be directed to alternative routes, to save time and avoid adding to the heavy traffic pattern.
- Accident notification: When there is an accident, smart pavement can know about it. Drivers can be informed about these incidents so they can avoid the area and keep everyone safer. These notifications can also be used by emergency personnel to respond to the accident.
- Vehicle counts: It can be helpful for road builders and other officials to know how much traffic an area receives on a regular basis. Smart pavement can track the number of vehicles that travel a specific route, so authorities can make informed decisions about road expansions and new routes that might be needed.
- Road closures: If a road must be closed due to flooding, an accident or other temporary incident, smart pavement can help authorities detect this and keep drivers and emergency personnel informed of the closures.
- Pavement condition: When is it time to make road repairs? If this isn’t done soon enough, conditions can become unsafe. Smart pavement can help indicate the pavement condition, based on an index, so repairs can be made at the appropriate time.
- Safety improvements: Smart pavement can track the way a road is used, the number of accidents that occur in each stretch of roadway and more. This data can be used to drive safety improvements and help keep the roads safer.
How Does It Work?
This traffic management technology in Vermont may seem almost magical. While the solution does involve some impressive technology, the sensors simply detect the direction, weight and speed of each vehicle that travels over a specific stretch of road. This data can then be gathered, analyzed and transmitted as needed to provide helpful information to drivers, roadway authorities and emergency crews. The data can be used in real time as well as stored for future analysis to guide ongoing projects.
Discover More
Want to learn more about traffic management technology in Vermont? Contact the professionals at Worksafe Traffic Control Industries. We are a premier manufacturer of traffic control products and services. Our state-of-the-art fleet of equipment provides the solutions you need for traffic calming, construction zones and incident management applications. Call us today to learn more about our innovative products and services.