Attenuators and Positive Protection
Worksafe Traffic Control Industries is a construction, highway, and commercial sign and a distributor of traffic control devices and products. We are competitive as a business and government contractor, and we offer state-of-the-art technology solutions for highways, traffic-calming, and incident management. We endeavor to supply our clients with quality products that conform to all required specifications, outstanding service, expert technical advice, and competitive pricing.
We are committed to working directly with local municipalities, city governments, state governments, state highway departments, road management departments, and local contractors working in conjunction with the government.
Equipment Rentals
Although construction projects come and go, the need to ensure safety for workers and motorists alike is always of paramount importance. However, the need to purchase traffic safety equipment can be a burden, and so Worksafe Traffic Control Industries is here to help you by offering convenient and affordable rentals!
Worksafe Traffic Control Industries ensures that your construction sites are outfitted with all of the essential materials required to facilitate modern worksite safety. We offer many positive protection equipment rentals, including (but not limited to) barriers, mounted attenuators, and sentry longitudinal energy dissipaters.
Impact Attenuators
As part of our Smart Work Zone solutions, Worksafe Control Industries is pleased to offer Impact Attenuators. When used in combination with other smart work zone solutions, you can ensure that your work zone provides a clear path for traffic direction and a controllable and safe work area for your workers. These Impact Attenuators are perfect for your mobile work zones that need traffic control for a few hours or even longer.
Highways throughout the nation are lined with impact attenuators. They’re put in place to provide road structures, cars, people, and construction workers more protection. The 2012 Manual defines impact attenuators on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) as devices that minimize the impacts of errant vehicles by either gently decelerating the vehicle to a halt when struck head-on or diverting the errant vehicle to a safer area. In temporary traffic control zones, impact attenuators protect motorists from exposed ends of immovable objects, obstacles, and other road hazards.
How Impact Attenuators Work
This system is made up of crushable Hexafoam cartridges that are encircled by a triple-corrugated steel guardrail framework. The cartridges absorb the impact energy, while the steel guardrail side panels flex when struck head-on. The cartridges are the only ones that have been expanded. Leg pins and a central guiding cable restrict the steel side panels when the impact attenuator is struck from the side, redirecting the errant vehicle.
Here are some of our products:
The Sentry Longitudinal Energy Dissipater (SLED)
The Sentry Longitudinal Energy Dissipater is a narrow, non-directive gating crash cushion. SLED is designed to shield all permanent and temporary portable barrier shapes, including concrete, steel, and plastic. The SLED’s innovative design includes four internal steel wires that assist in enveloping the impacting vehicle, minimizing the risk of subsequent collisions. Foundation anchor bolts connected to the road or bridge deck are not required for the SLED End Treatment. The entire crash cushion can be quickly installed on compacted earth, gravel, decomposed granite, and asphalt concrete with only one pickup truck and two people.
Each SLED module is made of a high-visibility yellow polyethylene that has been UV stabilized to prevent it from degrading. It’s designed to distort and burst on contact, absorbing the errant vehicle’s energy. SLED’s Transition is the most flexible shielding option for both permanent and temporary movable banners. The SLED End Treatment transition panels may be attached to narrow, broad, or other profile forms with converging or diverging angles up to 10 degrees using a mix of hinging and contouring.
Key Features:
- Quick and easy to set up, no foundation anchoring, minimized Installation Exposure Time
- Internal Steel cables help envelop vehicles after an impact. We are creating a truly limited Gating system
- Visual drive-by fill indicators
- Cost-effective End Treatment for Concrete, Steel, or Water-Filled Barriers
- A narrow footprint is ideal for work zones or roads with minimal shoulder spacing
- Universal Transition: Can go with a variety of barrier shapes and sizes
- SLEDS Stout design virtually eliminates vaulting
- Shortest length TL-3 Water-filled Crash Cushion, fewer incidental impacts

TrafFix Scorpion II Truck Mounted Attenuator
Whether you are transporting equipment or construction materials, it is necessary to ensure the safety of other road users. When doing road construction projects, it is essential to use impact attenuators when required by your project plans and specifications to prevent injuries due to accidental collisions. Worksafe Traffic Control Industries is a company that specializes in providing excellent safety equipment and services to construction companies, local and state governments.
One of the items we offer is truck-mounted attenuators. Our TrafFix Scorpion II Truck-Mounted Attenuator is used all over the globe and has helped keep many people safe on the road and prevent serious accidents.
Key Features:
- Scorpion II is Mash-Approved
- 10 to 12 feet in length and 8 feet in width
- Folds over the truck bed for easy transportation
- Directional, signal, running, and brake LED lights to warn other road users
- Hydraulic system to power vertical lift and rotation of the TMA into deployed and storage positions
- User-friendly modular design that enhances its performance
- Safe and easy to mount on most types and brands of work trucks
- Versatile and flexible

How Do Truck-Mounted Attenuators Promote Safety?
During road construction projects, there are many trucks and vehicles in one section of the road. A stopped track can lead to a crash if other drivers do not notice it. A TMA helps improve safety by lowering the impact of a collision. The Scorpion attenuator can handle an impact from vehicles moving at speeds of up to 120 kilometers per hour. Attenuators are usually brightly colored, ensuring that drivers notice trucks from a long distance and slow down.
TrafFix Scorpion Trailer Attenuator
Many highway construction zones require the use of a trailer attenuator. The crash cushion is permanently attached to a shadow vehicle positioned strategically in your lane closure operation. TMA standards and usage in highway construction zones are regulated. They aren’t all the same, however. So, before you set up your work zone, be sure you understand the TMA requirements for your projects.
The Scorpion II Towable Attenuator (TA) is a transportable and solar-powered crash cushion with a tongue and axle attaching directly to the pintle hook of the support vehicle and a lunette ring located on the attenuator. The TA is suitable for support vehicles with a minimum actual/curb weight of 12,000 pounds and no maximum weight restriction (infinite weight).
Key Features:
- Equipped with an optional arrow or message board.
- A unique curved design giving full-width protection to the rear of the host vehicle
- The location of the rear axle enhances trailer stability and prevents the tail from bottoming out on driveways or uneven terrain.
- All required and optional offset and angled impacts are tested and approved by NCHRP350.
- MUTCD compliant
- Scorpion Trailer may use heavy host trucks with no maximum weight restriction because of the infinite weight approval.

All Scorpion II trailer Attenuators come equipped with an integrated electric brake system that activates immediately during attenuator separation or hitch failure. In addition, the Scorpion II is fitted with an omnivolt LED brake, directional, signal, and running lights to provide even more advanced warnings to drivers.
The Scorpion II TA stayed connected to the host vehicle when impact testing was conducted thanks to the Telescoping Anti-Rotational System (TARS). TARS reduces the Scorpion II’s spin during angled and offset collisions and keeps the attenuator attached to its host vehicle.
The Scorpion II TA’s curving side rails are constructed of corrosion-resistant aluminum tubes and provide full-width impact protection throughout the whole length of the truck by safely diverting a striking vehicle away from the dangerous “coffin corners” at the back. With or without optional display panels or message boards, the Scorpion Towable Attenuator is MASH Tested and approved for TL-3 applications.
Get Started with Worksafe
For more information about the TrafFix Scorpion Trailer Attenuator, reach out to our team at (603) 224-0880 or fill out our simple online form, and one of our experts will get back to you as soon as possible.