Emergency Management Signs
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As you might expect by the name, emergency management signage includes all those roadway placards which would be used to guide and manage highway traffic in the event of any kind of emergencies. They are not used in place of any other existing placards but are instead installed on an as-needed basis in addition to whatever other relevant placards have already been installed in the area.
Wherever emergency indicators are installed, it will be necessary for state and local agencies to plan for all transportation operations ahead of time, so that when the actual event occurs, there is already a routine to follow. The federal government provides guidance on what these procedures should be, and state and local agencies can either follow those recommendations or institute policies of their own.
What are They?
One of the most common uses for emergency signs are as evacuation route guidance signs. These will always have a blue circular symbol inside a white square frame, with no border. They will also include a directional arrow colored white, and a legend identifying this as an evacuation route, also printed in white. Sometimes signs like this are accompanied by a directional arrow just below the sign itself, and this will point in the direction that motorists should take so as to avoid the urgent situation.
Sometimes these placards also include an arrow pointing left or right to provide advance warning that it will be necessary to turn in that direction just up ahead. When an evacuation route is being depicted on one of these indicators, it will always be installed between 150 and 300 feet prior to encountering the actual evacuation route.
In such cases, the evacuation route may be straight ahead, or it may be off to the left or right, and in all cases, it will be clearly identified which direction the route will take. When these indicators are installed in urban settings, they will always be mounted on the right-hand side of the roadway, at least one foot away from the curb. When they are installed in rural settings, the evacuation route sign will also be mounted on the right-hand side of the roadway, but generally between six and 10 feet from the edge of the road.
Evacuation route indicators are never installed where they will be in conflict with other transit flow road placards, and if any conflicts are possible, the original standard regulatory sign will have priority, and the evacuation route sign will not be used. There are some special road placards which are used to describe specific conditions, and to provide special guidance to motorists.
For instance, the Area Closed sign is intended to convey to vehicle operators that the road up ahead is closed to regular transit, and it will always be installed on the road shoulder, as close to the right-hand edge as possible. These kinds of placards will also sometimes be mounted on a portable barricade which will be installed in the middle of the roadway to warn drivers.
Another specialized kind of sign is the Traffic Control Point sign, which is used to designate a specific location where authorities have set up a traffic control point. These situations are sometimes necessary so as to expedite emergency transit, exclude unauthorized vehicles, limit the amount of congestion in an area, or to protect the public from some other hazard. In most cases, a standard Stop sign is used in conjunction with the Traffic Control Point sign, so as to make it clear that the area just ahead has been established as an official traffic control point.
Importance of Emergency Management Signs
Emergency management placards play a vital role in directing transit away from dangerous areas, or areas which have been established as a traffic control point. Evacuation route indicators are also critical in helping to guide motorists along alternate roadways that will help them avoid problem areas up ahead. Without these kinds of indicators to help manage transit away from areas where some kind of crisis has taken place, there would be huge traffic jams and snarls wherever emergencies might occur.
By directing transit away from these problem areas, the flow of transit can be maintained, and it will be much easier for authorities to get in and handle whatever situation has occurred more efficiently. By keeping all unnecessary vehicles out of the area, any emergencies will be resolved much more quickly and efficiently, thanks to the judicious use of these road signs.
Buy Emergency Management Signs
If you need to purchase any kind of emergency road indicators, or if you need to have some customized to specific circumstances in your area, the company to contact is Worksafe Traffic Control Industries. We can help you design any kind of road sign you need, and quickly follow it all the way through to completion. We can also supply you with standard emergency road signs, and any other traffic control road indicators you may need.
Contact us today for any kind of estimate on a purchase you might have in mind, or about any questions you may have regarding our signage and all the many accessories we have to support those signs.