You probably don’t give a whole lot of thought to traffic signs when you’re out on the open road. You read them, take in their direction and keep driving. However, there are a wide variety of interesting facts about traffic signs in Vermont and beyond that you may or may not have previously known about. Here are just a few examples:
- Traffic signs are consistent all over the United States: No matter where you go in the country, you can be completely certain that all traffic signs will look exactly the same. There’s no need to overthink it—all highway traffic signs are going to be green with white lettering, all parking signs are going to be white with green letters, all warning signs are going to be yellow with black letters, all stop signs are going to be red with white letters and a white border—you get the picture. This standardization is important to ensure people’s driving experiences are consistent no matter where they go, and to prevent any accidents as a result of changing signage from one location to another.
- Position is important when it comes to exit signs: If the exit number is on the right of the exit sign, the exit will be on the right side of the highway. If it’s on the left side of the sign, then it will be on the left. Many people do not realize that there are differing alignments or that these alignments have any importance—pay attention next time you’re on the highway and have exits on different sides and you’ll notice it for sure!
- Stop signs were made in octagons because it cost less: Have you ever wondered why stop signs were made in octagons versus any other shape? It really just boils down to money. The federal government ultimately found it was a cheap shape to make, and it being different from all other rectangular and square signs was just an added benefit. The shape stuck, and stop signs remain the only octagonal road signs.
- Studies show billboards change people’s driving: There have been a variety of studies done into people’s driving behaviors around billboards, and it’s been shown that people spend less time paying attention to the drivers around them and the roads they’re on if there are billboards in the area. What’s just as interesting is that people are more likely to remember billboards than the traffic signs they pass!
- The numbering system on the interstate is navigational: There are very definite reasons why interstate systems are numbered the way they are. Even-numbered one- or two-digit interstates travel primarily east and west, with higher numbers in the north and lower numbers in the south. Odd-numbered one- and two-digit interstates travel primarily north and south, with higher numbers in the east and lower numbers in the west. In addition, three-digit interstates are always connecting routes to other major highways. A three-digit interstate that starts with an even number will take you around a city, while a three-digit interstate that starts with an odd number will take you through/into a city.
For more information about traffic signs in Vermont, contact Worksafe Traffic Control Industries today.